Monday, January 23, 2017

1-23-17 My Weekend

My Weekend

       I had a pretty busy weekend. I had musical practice til six on Friday,and my parents were gone so I had to entertain my grandfather all night.
       On Saturday I got to rehearsal at 8:30 a.m and didn't leave until 8:00 p.m, and we hung lights and set up the entire lighting system. At one point we had to hang lights in the catwalks and there weren't enough plug-ins so we had to run extensions to the third catwalk (Bay Three). Except the only floor was some boards and scaffolding over dry wall that doesn't support your weight, a few stories up. So we had to go across the space in between the bays on a support beam and if we fell then we would've fallen through the floor.
       Sunday I was at church from 9:00 to 2:00, as I had a mission trip meeting after service. I also assisted in the First Grade classroom and went to my own class. Then after I got back my mom dragged me to go dress shopping for Sweetheart (for three hours) because she decided that the dress I had was too formal. The dress was hers in high school but it when I showed it to my friends they all said it was great. I hate shopping

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